DAY 1: Arrive at Kilimanjaro International Airport, where your private guide will be waiting to welcome and transport you 30 minutes to beautiful Kilimanjaro Golf Estate. Relax and recover from any jet lag with a walk around the golf course, horse ride, or enjoy a drive around the estate to admire the wildlife which consists of zebras, wildebeest, impalas, eland, and more. Enjoy a warm dinner and a goodnights sleep at one of our handpicked accommodations to refresh and prepare for your exciting safari to start in the morning!

DAY 2: After breakfast, it’s time to climb aboard your private Roho safari vehicle and begin your journey. Your 2 hour drive to Tarangire National Park will take you through the busy city of Arusha, where you’ll witness the hustle and bustle of the busy locals, and soon onto the open road, where you’ll catch your first glimpse of the breathtaking landscapes Tanzania has to offer. Next, you’ll arrive at your first destination; Tarangire, just in time for lunch! Check-in at your hotel, freshen up, and relax with a cold beverage. After you refuel, get ready for your first afternoon game drive. Who knows what you might see!

Tarangire is famous for its large population of elephants. Lion, cheetah, and leopards are often seen stalking the huge herds of zebras and gazelles grazing throughout the area. Other common animals found in the park include waterbuck, giraffe, buffalo, gazelles, impala, lesser kudu and the beautiful fringe-eared oryx.

Arrive back at camp and kickback in a safari chair beside the campfire for sundowners before a tasty dinner. After a long day, you’ll be ready to retreat to your tent nice and early to rest up for your second day in the park. A Maasai will escort you to your tent, where you can take a warm shower, crawl into a comfortable bed, and take in all the sounds of the wildlife calling at night, all from the safety of your tent.

DAY 3: If you’re not already an early bird, we highly suggest you become one today. The earlier you are on the road, the higher chance you have of witnessing a hunt. Lions love to hunt at night and at sunrise when temperatures are lower. You’ll have the option of an all-day game drive with a picnic lunch, or you can take a break at camp for a sit down lunch and enjoy an afternoon nap before your afternoon game drive.

DAY 4: After another adventurous morning, it’s time to say goodbye to Tarangire, and say hello to the Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area. Roughly a 1 hour drive will bring you to your next accommodation in Karatu. Here you will enjoy a relaxed afternoon and evening. Unwind, because tomorrow you’ll explore the entire floor of the Ngorongoro Crater, which is a World Heritage Site, and home to some of the very last critically endangered Black Rhino.

DAY 5: After breakfast, you will descend into the crater, and try your luck at spotting the ‘Big 5’, which consists of elephant, lion, buffalo, leopard, and of course, the rhino. It is truly an honour to be in the presence of such an endangered species, and you’ll quickly come to realize that you are in the middle of a wildlife wonderland. Upon growing tired from all the excitement, your guide will bring you to the Hippo Pool, where you will have a picnic lunch and watch the playful hippos splashing about in the water. Finally, after covering the entire crater floor, it’s time to ascend up to the crater rim and head to your next accommodation to unwind after your full day of game driving, and get a good nights sleep before your final destination, Serengeti National Park.

DAY 6: This morning you’re probably thinking, “it simply cannot get better than this”. Let us tell you now… it just might! Today your journey will take you to the Serengeti - one of the world’s most famous national parks. Home of the annual Great Migration and close to almost 15,000 sq km in size, the Serengeti gets its name from the word ‘siringet’ used by the Maasai people, which means ‘the place where the land runs on forever’. Depending on what time of year you visit, you may witness either the Great Migration or calving season. The Great Migration is one of the most dramatic wildlife spectacles our planet has to offer. Thousands of wildebeest and zebras migrate north in search of water and greener grasses. Whatever the case, with its animal population of over 4 million, Serengeti always delivers!

After check-in and lunch at your final accommodation you may feel like a short rest before your afternoon game drive. After all, you will find that your journey to camp was a game drive in itself! Sundowners in the Serengeti are like no other. It is sure to be a vivid memory that will remain with you forever. Turn in for a goodnights rest and feel relaxed knowing you have another whole 2 days to explore the iconic park.

DAY 7: Waking up in the Serengeti… finally, you can tick this moment off your bucket-list. Take in all the sounds the surroundings have to offer - from the hundreds of birds singing their morning songs, to the grunting wildebeest nearby. Today you will spend the entire day exploring the park. Our knowledgable guide knows exactly where to take you, so you won’t feel like you are ‘missing out’ on anything. Don’t worry, he will have an entirely new route for tomorrows game drive!

Enjoy the final night of drifting to sleep with the sounds of the wildlife. Hyena calls are commonly heard at night, as well as lion calling, elephant growling, the list goes on and on. Your loved ones at home may have trouble believing you when you tell them how relaxing and calming it is to go to sleep to these truly unbelievable noises.

DAY 8: Now that you’ve stayed in and explored one area of the Serengeti, it’s time to pack your bags and move to your next accommodation in a different area of the park. Don’t worry, the drive there will be a game drive in itself! Keep your eyes peeled and see what you can spot along the way. Arrive and check-in at your next accommodation before sitting down to rest and enjoy lunch in camp. This afternoon’s game drive is sure to be exciting, so perhaps squeeze in a nap in your new tent before you head out. Sundowners and the pink savanna skies will be waiting for you in the evening, before dinner and bed.


DAY 9: Today is your last full day in the Serengeti. It may already feel sad to leave, but don’t worry, this national park will always be ready for you when you’re ready to come back. Either embark on another full-day game drive, or perhaps you’d like to return to camp for lunch and enjoy the amenities your camp has to offer. At this stage in your safari it may feel time for a massage, or just to lounge beside a pool. If this is the case, we will be sure to select an accommodation that will fulfill these desires, just let us know in advance! This evening, enjoy your final bush sundowners as you admire the famous Serengeti sunset.

DAY 10: This morning we recommend enjoying a nice slow morning in camp. Have your coffee or tea delivered to your tent as you soak up your last moments in what was your home the past 4 nights. After breakfast, your guide will take you to the airstrip, where you’ll catch your direct domestic flight to beautiful Zanzibar island for your 4 night beach vacation! Upon arrival in Zanzibar, a driver will be waiting to collect you and bring you to your beach accommodation. When you walk outside, you’ll be amazed that after only a quick 2 hour flight, you’re in a totally different climate. Goodbye dry, hot bush air… Hello humid, salty beach air! Check-in at your final destination and get into your swimwear, the pool and beach have been waiting for you! Head back to your room and cool down with a refreshing shower before dinner. Seafood lovers will be in heaven, but there is sure to be something on the menu for everyone’s taste. Either enjoy the evening entertainment, or turn in for an early nights rest.

DAY 11: Wake up to the sound of the ocean waves and enjoy the beautiful sunrise. Have a sea view breakfast before another day of island life. If you’re feeling tired from your exciting safari in the first half of the trip, it may feel time for a massage, or for some well needed poolside or beach lounging. Those wanting a little more adventure today may want to explore Stone Town. Your hotel can arrange the trip for you (at an additional cost). Head to Park Hyatt for an unbelievable

Stone Town, also known as Mij Mkongwe, which is Swahili for 'Old Town', is the oldest part of Zanzibar City. Named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000, it is known for its architecture, mostly dating back to the 19th century, reflects the diverse influences underlying the Swahili culture, giving a unique mixture of Arabic, Persian, Indian and European elements.

Un-wind after another day in paradise with another delicious dinner before bed.

DAY 12: Your final day in Zanzibar. Take it slow and savour every moment. Watch the sunrise over the Indian Ocean and see how the colours of the ocean change right before your eyes. Grab your favourite book and a lounge chair by the pool or at the beach and soak in your final rays of sun. Tonight, enjoy your final sunset in Tanzania as you sip your favourite drink. Get a good nights rest before your flight home tomorrow.

DAY 13: It’s travel day. While the journey may have come to an end, we can assure you that you will be leaving with a full heart and a new-found love… Tanzania! After a final delicious breakfast, your driver will bring you back to airport where you will catch your flight home.

Roho Safaris and Tanzania will be just as sad to see you go, but we have a very funny feeling we will be seeing you again soon.